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KASHIFI PRESENTING VIZIER SUKHAIL WITH HIS MANUSCRIPT, Husain ibn Ali al-Vaiz (Kasbifi). «Anvar-i Sukhail» MS 9109 IOS AS Uzbek SSR, f. 5b The 1520s. Shahrukhia (Tashkent)
KASHIFI PRESENTING VIZIER SUKHAIL WITH HIS MANUSCRIPT, Husain  ibn  Ali al-Vaiz  (Kasbifi).  «Anvar-i Sukhail»

Husain ibn Ali al-Vaiz (Kashifi) belongs to the group of distinguished poets Jami-Navoi. Kashifi is an author of “Kalila and Dymna”- Indian version of parables written for vizier Amir Sheih-Ahmad Sukhail. The book got its title «Anvar-i Sukhail» (“Shining of Sukhail”) after his name.
This is a Herat copy of XVI century.
According to the wishes of Sheibanid rulers the miniature’s composition is rather simple.
Unlike many illustrations about tsar life there are not so many characters on this miniature. Against the background of two hills covered with dark bushes and small flowers we see the poet kneeling down in front of the vizier. Their faces are different. Thin poet’s face with the black beard is quite different from moon-faced vizier and men from his suite.
Mixture of olive and yellow colours goes well with the idea of the miniature. Curly “clouds of happiness” are China elements in Oriental graphics. The composition of this miniature are close to the scene of miniature “Painter Mani presenting king Bakhram-Gur with his drawing” and that witnesses about their belonging to Tashkent group of manuscripts.