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Getting ready for the falconry. Husain ibn Ali al-Vaiz (Kashifi). «Anvar-i Sukhail». MS 9109 IOS AS Usbek SSR, f. 42b. The 1520s. Shahrukhia (Tashkent)
GETTING READY FOR THE FALCONRY, Husain  ihn  Ali al-Vaiz  (Kashiii).  «Anvar-Sukhaib»

“Getting ready for the falconry” is more traditional than the genre scenes of «Anvar-i Sukhail». Axial division of composition, wear (e.g. Herat shape of the crown), landscape, subdued colours, a hill, clouds, “animated rocks” are similar to the interpretation of complete works of Navoi, so that means that both manuscripts are from Shahrukhia workshop (Tashkent group).
At the same time there is a line from these manuscripts to the ones of Samarkand (the 1540s).